SAN FRANCISCO-Recent reports reveal that San Francisco is the leading city in rental rate decreases. Rents have dropped 6.2% in the last quarter. Of course, they also led in rent increases prior to the downturn.
SAN FRANCISCO-Plans for the new M.H. de Young Memorial Museum have been deemed environmentally unsound by the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. City officials are unsure about the effect this will have on the opening date of the museum.
SAN FRANCISCO-In one of the largest lease deals of the year, Covington & Burling signs a 12-year lease for the top four floors in the One Front Street office building owned by LendLease.
BREA, CA-Privately held GK Investments of San Francisco acquires the 64,478-sf Park Lambert Business Center here from CT Realty Corp. The multitenant project is fully leased.
SUNNYVALE, CA-The Downtown Sunnyvale Urban Design Study will be conducted through July of next year and will determine the economic and development realities of expanding the downtown area, preparing the urban design framework that will link all of the new projects together.
MOFFETT FIELD, CA-The Computer Museum History Center has released a conceptual design for a brand-new 114,000-sf museum, to be built next to NASA Ames Research Center as part of the NASA Research Park, a proposed 200-acre aeronautics and computer science campus at Moffett Field.
OAKLAND, CA-The Metropolitan Transportation Committee has proposed a long-range transportation plan detailing $82 billion worth of capital projects to be spent over the next 25 years. All but 8% of the money is for maintaining existing infrastructure.
ALAMEDA, CA-The maker of tools used in genetic analysis signs a 10-year lease for 35,000 sf of new office-flex space in a deal valued at $5 million. The company plans to move in at the end of this year.
SAN FRANCISCO-Despite the recent dot-com bomb in the San Francisco and Silicon Valley markets, the cities manage to remain two of the world's most expensive cities in which to lease office space.
SAN FRANCISCO-Despite the recent dot-com bomb in the San Francisco and Silicon Valley markets, the cities manage to remain two of the world's most expensive cities in which to lease office space.