Creative concessions are now commonplace in most of Florida's condominium projects. A real estate expert discusses what impact is it having on the overall market.
NEW YORK CITY-Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac's collaborative success with approved lenders and intermediaries and willingness to funnel capital into this tight market, has sparked a trend of players seeking approval to work with them.
NEW YORK CITY-The credit crunch is putting the squeeze on apartment investment, with sales taking significant dips across all data metrics. Still, sellers remain hopeful, while buyers have revisited their acquisition strategies.
WASHINGTON,DC-While the retreat of the CMBS market, banks and institutions has left most would-be borrowers in a bind, for multifamily players, there remains a somewhat reliable avenue to obtain capital.
ORLANDO-Steve Patterson, president and CEO of ZOM USA, becomes chairman of the NAHB multifamily leadership board. He shares his perspective on the industry with