Since the federal government has been ineffective about ramping up testing and providing sensible guidelines, the public health monitoring process, including contact tracing, may be months away from effective implementation.
Under more normal circumstances, funding and regulatory requirements would be barriers to creating new healthcare spaces quickly, those traditional barriers are being torn down to meet this unprecedented challenge.
Unfortunately, this much-needed announcement has been marred by a departure from standard language, causing tax and legal professionals to debate the nature of the relief that the Notice granted.
"We fully expect plaintiffs to try to make out a Labor Law 200 or 241(6) violation against owners and general contractors should a worker contract coronavirus and develop significant complications resulting in a prolonged period of unemployment."
Since the COVID-19 concerns took root in the US and over the past three weeks, SRS' National Net Lease Group has had more than $200 million of new deals placed under agreement over this time frame.
While a rumored extension seems likely, investors should take a conservative approach and proceed as if no extension will be granted, with the understanding that they may get lucky.