Typical economic indicators like employment, inflation, and investment remain favorable for the apartment sector, and, even though demand for housing remains high in many markets, permitting and completions ticked down in 2018.
Panelists at the 2019 NMHC Apartment Strategies Outlook Conference say that while real estate and multifamily is a good option overall, some think twice about the retail component of a mixed-use project.
There is need to get bogged down with little nuances as long as you keep your head down and focus on the fundamentals, according to panelists at Tuesday's 2019 NMHC Apartment Strategies Outlook Conference.
SIOR Northern California chapter recently held its annual kick-off event and panelists addressed the challenges and opportunities in the CRE market, and when will the slowdown occur.
Hotel experts at ALIS debated the start of the next recession with some seeing smooth sailing through 2019 and others expecting the downturn to hit by the end of the year.