With job growth comes housing demand and this disparity underscores the fact that regardless of the need for housing that comes with job production, a market can't absorb product that isn't there.
Office tenants and employees are seeking extremely walkable locations with direct access to transit and amenities, and MODA Tower is precisely aligned with these proximity demands.
Silicon Valley companies continue to evolve as technology becomes more ubiquitous in everyday life and breakthrough products produced here in the land of innovation are used daily across the globe.
It seems that no area of the country is immune to the lack of affordable housing, which could also be said of Santa Fe, but one viable option is manufactured housing.
RENTCafe crunched the most recent US Census population estimates and ranked ZIP codes in the 30 biggest US cities and as expected, downtowns and areas near downtowns are favorites for Millennials.
Pathways at Goodrich Place is being redeveloped as part of HUD's Rental Assistance Demonstration, a federal initiative to improve the quality and availability of federally assisted housing.
While Portland has experienced in-migration from other markets, the MSA's future isn't necessarily all about the big players but rather the boom of startups as Portland is known for growing local business.