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Pending sales of starter homes climbed 10.2% year-over-year in July.
"It's almost as if we've navigated an entire real estate cycle in just a few years."
The reason is simple: Too much current and future need and not enough supply.
The Tech giant will convert a vacant building into advanced electronics lab.
The recent EPA ruling about PFAS has ramifications for buyers of commercial real estate. Learn how PFAS risk is assessed and managed during acquisition.
I expect the federal funds rate to drop 1.0%-1.5% this year and 1.5%-2.0% in 2025.
Recently, the JV spent $18 million on renovations.
The addition boosts its Texas and Sunbelt footprint.
Most of the properties are in the Sunbelt.
Hospitality was the asset class most impacted by distress activity at 7.2% of total sales.