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Premier Net Lease commercial real estate news, analysis, trends and information focusing on the property fundamentals, finance and investment trends for NNN, and other net leased retail, industrial, office and healthcare assets.
Cap rates for 7-Eleven stores have held steady.
Terravet uses a REIT structure and section 721 exchanges to build a portfolio attractive to vet practices.
Visits were up 4.2 percent.
The top occupiers were wholesale and retailers.
Landlord balance sheets and willingness to invest capital into a building have become important considerations to tenants.
RCS Real Estate Advisors weighs in with GlobeSt.
For the first time in years, the retail market is at a point of being supply-constrained – at least for space in quality shopping centers
High interest rates, supply chain issues, and slowing consumer spending continue to dog companies.
Limited-time offers seem to have boosted visits, but these types of price-driven strategy can eventually flop.
Warner Bros. will be the main tenant through a sale-leaseback.