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Premier Net Lease commercial real estate news, analysis, trends and information focusing on the property fundamentals, finance and investment trends for NNN, and other net leased retail, industrial, office and healthcare assets.
It's a more beneficial financing mechanism for businesses than borrowing against their balance sheet.
Market condition impairments of valuations continue from the first half of the year into Q3.
In-place rents continue to trend upwards, however.
They're falling at a slower rate than in Q2, according to Trepp.
The Philadelphia Fed's latest survey of professional forecasters see slow changes in the economy going forward.
Candidates are all over the map including several Sunbelt markets.
The rapidly changing conditions underscore the importance of monitoring market trends
Spending at restaurants and bars rose 8.5 percent over the past year, the largest gain among retail categories.
Blame the 'consistent rise in interest rates,' says The Boulder Group.
Vacancy now tops previous record high from the Global Financial Crisis.