Premier Student Housing commercial real estate news, analysis, trends and information for private and public college dormitories, and on- and off-campus university apartments.
The London Centre is a campus for Fordham students and other universities to study abroad and immerse themselves in the culture of the city as well as the continent.
The National Center for Educational Statistics data projects the student population will reach 23 million by 2020, and the population between the ages of 18 and 24 is projected to continue increasing through 2050.
The M, the first new high-rise to be developed in the 2-square mile University District in more than 30 years, will add 460 purpose-built beds, which will increase the total off-campus supply by 10.5%.
In addition to providing cultural events and performances for the community, the university affiliation will provide professional-level learning opportunities to students in multiple disciplines, including cinematography, audio work, lighting work and aesthetics.
Duncan at the session said that one of the reasons Westchester is attractive to the firm is that there has been approximately six million square feet of outdated office space taken off the market in the last 10 years or so.
Landmark believes there's a healthy market for off-campus housing close to this growing university and says the site is a rare and large urban assemblage near a light rail station that's zoned for high-rise.