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Perhaps not surprisingly, the first five are in Florida.
CrowdStreet has ranked 10 asset classes from strongest to weakest according to their ability to serve as inflation hedges.
Asking rents rose 16.7% year over year for March, while monthly mortgage payments jumped 34%.
There are several cities across the US where tech companies are hiring at a breakneck pace.
Archer's take on why such a small percentage of deals turned out to be a match for so many investors.
The 10 metro areas with the biggest increases in rent prices—up 29% year over year or more—were almost exclusively on the East Coast.
US retail sales fell 1.9% in December, marking the end of the fourth consecutive months of growth.
Here are the cities that posted the fastest-growing rents in 2021.
2022 won't be a carbon copy of last year. There will be different winners and losers, according to a recent analysis by Zillow.
Home ownership has long been considered a route to building personal wealth. Unfortunately, in some housing markets, prices have gotten so high that…