PHOENIX-Figures released by the US Census Bureau earlier this week confirmed that Phoenix has the highest growth rate of 15 major cites in the nation, making the city the sixth largest in the nation.
PHOENIX-Military airports will have more say about the type of development that occurs in the surrounding vicinity, with the enactment of a bill signed by the governor yesterday. The new law is aimed at saving Luke Air Force Base.
PHOENIX-New commercial development has returned to the Salt River area of Phoenix, thanks to a $80-million restoration project. The first major developer to buy into the project has purchased at 33.8-acre parcel for $3.2 million.
PHOENIX-An aging apartment complex in south Scottsdale, just blocks from Scottsdale Road, sells to out-of-state investor for $4.9 million, or $46,000 per unit.
PHOENIX-The sell off of Montgomery Ward stores in the Valley continues, with Sears announcing that it is buying two Wards stores, one in Phoenix and one in Glendale.
PHOENIX-City leaders in the suburb of Surprise consider deal to build a $45-million spring training facility for the two baseball teams, both of which currently train in Florida.