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Noyack Capital Partners finds mobility hubs (structured parking), cold storage warehousing, dry warehousing, and healthcare creating asymmetric risk-reward potential.
A Boulder Group report cites heightened investor demand as the primary factor.
BBX Industrial names industry veteran Mark G. Levy to lead its Florida-based business ventures.
Federal ruling in Michigan is a big, wide-ranging win for the leading trade association.
Herd resiliency rate and other safety factors will guide companies' decisions.
Topping the country are Northern New Jersey ($18.50), Puget Sound ($16.44), Los Angeles ($16.20) and Inland Empire ($10.20).
Redfin and reports sort out dynamic data with first new-listings dip in five months.
New demand rose in August, indicating that the Delta variant did not dampen employers' searches for new office space in this evolving market.
George Oliver's CASA project in Phoenix signed more new leases during COVID than any other building in Arizona.
Office delinquency rate at 0.9%, up from its pre-pandemic 0.1% rate; lodging and retail in worse shape.