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Federal government action can help to solve US housing shortage.
Large majority use or will use immersive, virtual, and augmented marketing approaches.
Redfin reports that sales fell 30% in Q3, the largest drop since Great Recession
Q3 report from JLL shows economic-driven caution dampens interest for first time since pandemic.
Colliers reported Q3 vacancy rates rose 30 bps; and 50 bps year-over-year.
NAHB surveys showed 'confidence' declined significantly in Q3.
Zillow research shows that typical renters now need to work six hours more to pay rent than before the pandemic.
Moody's Analytics report sees a definite trend that way since pandemic.
Adjusted for inflation, the metric will dip 3% next year.
Looking to offset rising expenses and meet company goals, companies are finding ways to dial down costs.