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YoY foot traffic disappointed in July, but not nearly as much as anticipated, reported.
Rising bond yields, higher interest rates and finance costs and rising and unstable materials expenses are the problem.
An unlevered vehicle, the fund's "ability to lend throughout a market cycle is a defining feature."
Redfin reports that a switch in home-to-job locations will disrupt prices.
Washington, D.C., and North Carolina, selectively, aren't experiencing the national pause.
Colliers says 59% of developments under construction are preleased.
The firm calls $346 million for market-rate workforce housing a company "milestone."
LaSalle says it's "reckless to conclude real estate will emerge unscathed from capital market chaos."
The firm and industry observers point to bonds, returns, capital flows, expenses, energy, construction and central banks.
NAI Global says those who were "boxed out" could enter while institutional investors stall.