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NIC report shows occupancy up 3.4 percentage points, climbing a fourth straight month.
Veros' Housing Market Forecast predicts a return to "historically more normal times" imminent.
Materials supplies availability, costs, supply-chain unsteadiness affecting expansion plans, performance.
Survey shows open-plan offices and communal gaming perks are less desirable.
Labor, trucking, unions are among the issues, not to mention back-ups at ports.
It acquired real estate valuation advisory firm Metropolitan Valuation Services.
While the industry plays catch-up on housing construction, points to several markets perhaps going in the wrong direction.
Zumper's National Rent Report says big spikes are over for now, 2-BR apartment rents are falling.
Controlling inventory is the key as companies endure supply-chain issues before 'Back to School' and Black Friday periods.
Panelists call BTRs "starter homes" that are helping to fill the country's overall housing gap.