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Sign In To follow points to incremental improvement in supply, especially in mid-sized homes.
Entering the busy spring leasing season, reported growth cooled at 10.6%, down from 11.4% in March.
The multifamily industry is beginning its busy season when most of the annual rent growth typically occurs.
The number of net new listings on the market declined 12% from April 2021.
The fund could give markets underserved by traditional banks relief.
Redfin reports rising inflation in the Sun Belt is proving too much for many residents. showed a 4.1 percent YoY growth in this group with weather and lifestyle taking precedent.
CoreLogic's March report showed a YoY spike of 20.9 percent.
Hard assets such as commercial real estate tend to retain their values during periods of high inflation.
They will focus on build-to-core industrial investments in high barrier-to-entry locations.