Those who are heading to retirement should rethink their timing and make sure you have a game plan to stay healthy and socially stimulated to avoid the golden years turning rusty.
Although the hotel industry has been operating at peak levels for several years, accelerated supply growth, which has been readily absorbed in most markets due to the expanding economy, has contributed to weaker than normal average room rate growth.
Former professional soccer player Justin Myers now a partner at Lee & Associates NYC explains how fitness is growing in importance in real estate including with the office sector.
Diversity will not work without inclusion. Even those CRE firms with diversity initiatives and programs still have inclusion problems. So how do you build inclusion into your business?
While retailers are apprehensive about using facial recognition as a means to track customers, it's only a matter of time until the technology cascades into every facet of our shopping experience.
While net lease properties offer many benefits to investors, the very nature of these assets make them difficult, at present, to qualify for the tax deferral through the Opportunity Zone program.