Diversity will not work without inclusion. Even those CRE firms with diversity initiatives and programs still have inclusion problems. So how do you build inclusion into your business?
While retailers are apprehensive about using facial recognition as a means to track customers, it's only a matter of time until the technology cascades into every facet of our shopping experience.
While net lease properties offer many benefits to investors, the very nature of these assets make them difficult, at present, to qualify for the tax deferral through the Opportunity Zone program.
With the majority of the CRE brokerage industry close to retirement, and the pool of traditional CRE talent constantly shrinking, it's time for the industry to be more proactive about diversity and inclusion and it is now becoming a competitive advantage.
We lack the demand drivers necessary to generate the significant projects required to transform Downtown Jacksonville into the thriving area that many want to see.
In this shifting market, both buyers and sellers of commercial real estate need to thoughtfully protect their interests and limit their risk to the extent possible.
While the retail pharmacy sector is active with mergers and acquisitions, the chances are pretty good we won't see a Burger King-McDonald's alliance anytime soon.