It's important that opportunity zone investments are fully vetted to identify risk factors, structured in ways that advance community development and quality of life, while providing an overall benefit to investors.
When approaching Opportunity Zones, the conventional view on the opportunities presented by the legislation appears that the tax benefits are overwhelming the underlying project analytics, but read on to learn some new suggestions.
Some companies size-up potential based on a candidates culture fit, but clearly that can backfire in a period of change when business as usual is the wrong answer.
I suspect that as baby-boomers glut the retirement market without enough income to maintain their standard of living at home, the numbers of US retirees living abroad will skyrocket.
Retail will be a forever changing game, and in order to survive a brand needs to keep up on emerging trends, as it's a well-known story for those retailers who do not.
The new American mobility is often driven by cost-of-living issues and life cycles. So where are the best returns for investors and developers capital?