"The Locks interacts with the local architecture and land plan to create an exceptional sense of place, and an exciting homeownership opportunity," says Resmark's Alexandra Johns.
Duncan at the session said that one of the reasons Westchester is attractive to the firm is that there has been approximately six million square feet of outdated office space taken off the market in the last 10 years or so.
The newly launched Valuation Portfolio Services practice is aimed at firms seeking valuation solutions for multiple properties located across the United States or around the globe.
The acquisition of GRM China will expand Iron Mountain's presence in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong, Qingdao, Dalian, Chengdu and Wuhan (including more than 2.5 million cubic feet of storage).
The property at 5401 Watson Drive is located in the Mesa del Sol community about eight miles outside of Albuquerque and is 100% leased to an affiliate of Fidelity Investments.
The new warehouse is strategically positioned to allow Overstock to offer two-day ground shipping to more than 99% of customers in the contiguous United States.