I recently had lunch with a fellow commercial real estate professional who lamented  about how some old-fashioned commercial landlords he's encountered will let a real estate transaction die, or actually kill it themselves, rather than pay a real estate commission on terms that they don't deem...
In a recent post, I wrote about the "Dangers of Ignorance" when tenants don't aggressively seek to understand the financial stability (or, instability) and creditworthiness of prospective landlords  before executing leases.  I wrote about the risks of lenders terminating leases when...
Every once in a while, one of those old-fashioned dying-breed landlords who thinks he can control every aspect of a lease transaction, will attempt to sway a tenant representative to minimize her efforts on behalf of the tenant she represents.   Such landlords don't understand the foundation...
Do commercial tenants recognize the dangers associated with not understanding the creditworthiness of their prospective, or even their current, landlords?  Standard operating procedure for most landlords is to gather financial information on prospective tenants and assess their associated risk...
In a recent industrial lease transaction, how the deal came to a close was not only unusual, but very telling about the direction of the current economy.  A privately held company negotiated with a commercial landlord to occupy a full building in a prominent and well-located industrial park in central...
Everyone is going Green, or are they?  These days, most everyone wants to have a positive effect on the environment.  With wide spread recycling, the availability of alternative fuels, hybrid cars, and reclaimed and sustainable building products, people are joining the Green movement everywhere...
By the end of the 1980s, almost half of the office buildings that existed at that time were constructed during the previous ten years.  When leasing space in new office buildings, it was easy for tenants to understand that they would not likely experience significant pass-throughs of capital expenditures...
Where are Paul Sarbanes and Michael Oxley when you really need them?  Remember all the hullabaloo about Sarbanes-Oxley, and how that piece of game changing legislation was to make the corporate world fully transparent, and was supposed to provide investors with the ability to make better informed...
Wasn't there a movie in the 1980s called "Dazed and Confused"?  Well, I recently had an encounter with a property broker who said he was Amazed and Perplexed! So, a few days ago, I got a call from this commercial real estate broker who demanded to know why we hadn't presented to our client the two...
You're not going to believe this one! Frankly, I wasn't sure I believed it myself, at first.  We recently experienced surprisingly greedy and stupid actions taken by a commercial real estate broker and his associate, both of whom were...