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Large and small tenants put expansion plans on hold amid macroeconomic uncertainty.
Construction delays, NIMBYism, rent control preventing industry of meeting US apartment demand, NMHC said.
Five of the 50 most populous metro areas saw rents fall in September from a year earlier.
Retail developers looking to improve curb appeal, drive foot traffic.
Logistics Property Company's project should open summer 2024.
Elevator technology has been taken to the next level, helping buildings conserve energy and save money.
Colliers' report shows all five submarkets gained in leasing activity.
Group's chief economist forecasts GDP to have fallen in five of six quarters, through the second half of 2023.
NAREE panelist, "You have to find the right location, one suitable for a conversion, and even then, it's not an easy process."
Oculus is running Xeal Energy stations off its electrical grid; average consumer charge is $6.71