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Visits were "up" last month, according to, "a good sign as the holiday season approaches."
Climate change is a risk, and "companies are becoming concerned that large swaths of the US could be uninsurable in the future."
When tenants lose out on a space, the landlord "can usually show them that the competitor had the higher rate."
Occupying warehouse space expense has increased 42% since 2019.
Benchmark Senior Living up 19 percentage points in 19 months.
Annapolis, Md.-based Artistry acquires first two properties in Washington, D.C.
Apartment service provider looks to expand to 25 markets, offer residents 'gig' revenue opportunities.
Landlords have upper hand, and owners of existing space are currently more lucky than good.
This trend has been underway since the pandemic, and before.
Deal with Hamilton Point for workforce housing over seven states believed to be largest of the year.